Fireside Chat

with VisionSpark Search

A conversation spanning Seconds, Roles, Identity, and Energy. Answering why every First in Command needs a Second in Command, and what that actually feels like.

Full Conversation

Bite Size Convos

Roles and Energy and the Domino Effect

Is John, John, without the role?

The Role is a Glove, we're the Hand

Not out front but equally important

Identity and Role - VS Behind the Scenes

Entrepreneurs are attracted to Freedom

Identity & Role

Fireside-with-visionspark 1

One of the most common issues of Seconds is the conflation of the roles and the identity.

Authors of How to be Second, Nathan Young and Dr. David Hartman, Ph.D sit down with Alec Broadfoot and John Vidosh of VisionSpark Search to discuss all things Seconds, and Second in Command.

We take apart the identity and the role, discuss the dramatic effects of having a Second in Command in an organization, dismantle a few myths about what a Second is and is not, and talk about energy and competence.

Throughout the conversation, we’re dropping helpful language all along the way for how Seconds can communicate about themselves and their value in a way that first in commands and entrepreneurs will understand and value.

If you’re considering a Second in Command for your organization, you’re currently in a Second in command type role and trying to decide why you feel so “Different” than everyone else, or you’re a Second (by identity) who is thinking about what all of this looks and feels like, this conversation is for you.

Natural Traits and Wearing different Jackets

The Grass IS greener when you get a Second

Visionary not Operating? Hire a Second

VisionSpark and the Second in Command

At VisionSpark, we know that finding the right #2 Leader is crucial for any organization’s success and growth.

Using our proprietary processes and tools, we help businesses identify and hire #2 Leaders who align with their strategic goals and cultural values.

We work closely with business owners to ensure their #2 Leaders are capable and a cultural fit, ensuring a smooth and effective transition.

 Why Second in Command Leaders Are So Vital

We know from personal experience that the right #2 Leader can transform a business by providing:

FREEDOM: Allowing CEOs to explore new business opportunities and personal passions without worrying about day-to-day operations.

CONFIDENCE: Ensuring that your business, team, income, and reputation are in capable hands.

PEACE OF MIND: Taking over emergencies and operational challenges, so you can focus on strategic growth.

A #2 Leader plays a critical role in translating strategic objectives into actionable plans, managing financial and operational risks, and fostering innovation. This leadership role is essential for driving growth, improving processes, and maintaining organizational stability

VisionSpark Resources

Putting their creative minds to work.

VisionSpark Job Openings

Talent Impact Profile

TIP Profile

Hiring Your Right #2

Alec’s Book

Second’s Journey

How to be Second is a Movement that Supports and Champions Seconds, which are people with a specific identity, to own for themselves who they are and how that?s valuable.

Because Seconds care about the How, we’ve developed a For Profit organization guided by the question “What is good for
Seconds?” which allows us to connect Seconds who want to take their next step to resources and tools – mostly to others, and some things H2B2 provides.

Major Steps along “The Second’s Journey”

  • Being a Second (by Identity) but not knowing about the identity
  • The Realization Moment: Learning about the identity of Secondness
  • Self Discovery – “Am I a “Second?” and “Which one”?
  • Owning your value for yourself
  • Finding Community (and “sanity”)
  • Personal Development
  • Looking for roles calling for a Second
  • Professional Development when you’re a Second by identity
  • Learning about the “Second in Command” role specifically

The journey that so many people have gone on, including myself, along the journey of life, not just career. It’s certainly not a LINEAR path or a checklist.

I’m living in a bunch of these at the same time, most of the time. A lot of people are having their “Realization Moment” when they’re already in a “Second in Command” type role, and they’re trying to figure out more about how they operate within that.

We’ve built (and continue to build) resources for Seconds all along this journey.

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Shot of a young businessman with a tablet discussing work with his colleague.

Second’s Nature

Its great to have you on board with us.


How To Be Second

How To Be Second Book