
We have been getting lots if interest over here at How to Be Second, asking us to help Firsts find matches to Seconds, and vice-versa.

So, we are going try to host something in the April or May timeframe.

We want to serve you in the best way possible, so if you are interested, please express that by completing this form.

Your feedback will help us provide the type of event you would love being part of.


Disclaimer stuff:

By submitting this form, I understand that I will be contacted by H2B2 to provide my voice and feedback for development of H2B2 Matchmaking. H2B2 is under no obligation to use any of my feedback in the development of any product or service at any time. I waive all claims to the information and opinions shared with H2B2. I understand that I may be offered an opportunity to participate in a future event or service, but am under no obligation to do so.