

Connecting First in Commands and Seconds where there’s relationship, energy, skill, and compensation match

You can’t find a fit

First-In-Commands, how do you find the special person who can elevate your organization in different ways than you can? Not just someone competent, but who is energized by doing the work that makes you feel drained.

Can you give someone the title Force Multiplier? How do you explain to your recruiting team what you need, and even if you do, how do they know where to look, or if they have the right person?

Seconds are most energized when their job lets them bring all of their Secondness…but finding this job is one of the most challenging things for Seconds. What job title do you even search for? (We have a list of 37 titles and counting for jobs given to Seconds)

Even more difficult is finding this job under a First-in-Command that knows what a Second is, plus the value Seconds bring.


Enter Matchmaking

How to be Second’s Matchmaking process is modeled closer to elite matchmaking services, rather than recruiting or retained search.

We work for both of you, and you’re both critical parts of the equation. No delegating (or being delegated) to a hiring team.

For both the First in Command AND the Second, we spend time making sure you know yourself and what you want. With that depth of understanding, we focus on bringing together two people who have a high likelihood of being successful together.

Perhaps more importantly, not bringing people together who won’t.

What’s the Plan?

If you’re a first-in-command

On The List

Do your homework around identity and deal breakers with support from one of our coaches 
(Wait here if you prefer)

Get Me Ready

During 6 meetings we develop understanding of Seconds, and a comprehensive plan for what you and your organization need…

And we navigate the emotional work often discovered along the way.


We support finding a great Second for your organization, where there’s relationship, energy, skill, and compensation match

What’s the Plan?

If you’re a Second


Do your homework around identity and deal breakers with support from one of our coaches 
(Wait here if you prefer)

Second's Nature

Understand your self and your “Secondness” and explore the journey of personal and career growth with our coaches


Take back the ‘instigating event’ and outsource your job search to our team and network

Why Not Recruiting?

Recruiting is actually a complementary service. We even refer people to companies we believe do recruiting very well, like the team at Vision Spark

The recruiting process typically starts from a requirements and qualifications standpoint, and is often delegated or outsourced, either entirely or at least to an internal hiring team.

But the most important factor for success between a First-in-Command and a Second is the relationship fit, which is way more about Identity and Energy… so that’s our FIRST focus.

We actually require that the First in Command is involved in the entire process, and commits to being directly connected to Seconds who are potential matches.

You can’t delegate this. And we understand if that means it’s not for you.

Matchmaking 1

Internal recruiting teams or search/recruiter firms external to an organization are expertly capable of helping organizations find people.

They work with the First-in-Command to create a job description, develop candidate profiles, and search relentlessly until a match is made. There are firms which specialize in function (only place Chief Financial Officers). They may specialize in industry (only place in Healthcare). They are excellent at what they do and provide a great return for their clients.

AND also, those firms mostly struggle to place Seconds (the identity) with Firsts-in-Command.


Our years of research into Seconds and their relationship with a First-in-Command has shown that the most common reason the relationship does not work out is due to communication.

More broadly, it is the personality, traits, tendencies, and areas of strengths that do not match where needed or complement where deficiencies exist.

Matchmaking 2

We address this through a handful of carefully selected assessments that are designed to surface some of these areas and provide insights into both the First-in-Command and the Second.

Not so much to filter in or out certain matches, more to identify areas to watch out for once the relationship begins.

A healthy First and Second relationship is built on support, grace, and accountability.


“Homework” is really the first evaluation point.

Both the First-in-Command and the Second will have homework to do, and only when that’s complete do we begin working on a match.
It consists of the assessments, AND other important factors like something we call “Agreements with Self.”

We find out if the desires, needs, and hard-no’s align for both people.


How long does this take?

Timelines will vary depending on factors such as client availability, client time to complete tasks, H2B2 availability, and Second availability.

The expected timeline will be communicated at the beginning of the service, but assuming best case scenario, full Matchmaking can be expected to be completed in 2-4 months.

If I start with one, can I upgrade later?

Definitely – and we’ll reduce the cost accordingly.

Payment Plans?

Our “Get Me Ready” and “Matchmaking” services are both ‘milestone’ billing based, and we have carefully considered what work we’re being incentivized to do.

We’ve worked hard to eliminate incentives where we are encouraged to make poor quality matches for the sake of hitting a target.

How will I be charged?

We will submit an agreement to you where you can enter your credit card details through a direct integration with our payment processers, Stripe and Intuit.

Any payments, one time or recurring, are processed through either the Stripe or Intuit platforms.

We at H2B2 never have direct access to your payment information.

What’s the confidentiality policy?

We have very strict guidelines around what we share when we’re working with a matchmaking client, which are laid out in our contractual agreement.

Is there any prep work I need to do?

No prep work – you might not be surprised to hear that we’ve “got a plan”.

The first thing you’ll do is be contacted about next steps and have someone you can ask about everything you’re curious about.